About Us

  • Creating the Gormet Seasoning Blends

    Crafting our Signature Flavors Required Extensive Experimentation to Produce the Exceptional Seasoning Blends we have Today, and The Ice Man Name that is Gaining Recognition.

  • Inventing the Menu, Brand and Packaging

    Developing 20 Different Flavors Spanning from Savory to Mild and Spicy. Ensuring our Comprehensive Menu is Thoughtfully Well-Structured. Also Designing Labels Showcasing our Versatility in Utilizing our Seasoning Blends.

  • Crafting Containers and Business Operations

    Coming up with Containers for the Product and Creating an Ice Chiller for Physically Sampling at Events. Countless Hours Figuring Out the Inner Operations of how the Business will work. Making Adjustments and Changes Constantly to Improve our Ideas.

  • Improving Visual Appeal and Attending First Event

    Confirming that our Setup is both Functional and Visually Appealing before Attending our Debut Event. Refining the Setup Ourselves and taking any Customer Feedback to Enhance the Overall Presentation over time.

  • Gaining Recognition and Growing Fast

    Our Brand Quickly Gained Popularity among Customers, Growing in Recognition Faster than Originally Anticipated. The Ice Man Dips were now being Chosen for more Prominant and Sought after Events.

  • Fox News Access Carolina

    Being Invited to Fox News Studio was a Major Highlight in our First Year, Acknowledging that our Hard Work and Dedication is not going Unnoticed. Also giving us more Drive and Determination to Expand the Business into Other Avenues.

  • Establishing Popularity at Holiday Markets

    Our Initial Holiday Markets were Pleasantly Well-Recieved. Customers Embracing them for Festive Gatherings and Recognizing how Ideal they are as Stocking Stuffers, Leading to Increased Demand and Popularity during the Seasons.

  • Formulating recipes for cooking and website setup

    Developing Cooking Recipes to Integrate my Seasoning Blends. Establishing a Professional e-commerce Website for Product Sales. Ensuring User-Friendly Functionality and Attractive Design throughout, Incorporating multiple Promo Deals and Ice Basket Giveaways.

  • Establishing Our First Retail Location

  • Present Day